Vytopna – Trains Bring Drinks to your Table
Model train restaurant where your drinks are transported to your table on a freight train of a model train! The Vytopna Restaurant in Prague is an absolute must-go and must-see for anyone who likes model trains. Playing with the trains is not possible but children can run along the track and follow the trains laden with drinks to the tables.
Model Train Restaurant: Brings Drinks to your Table
The train tracks pass through tunnels, over bridges, past rock formations and woods before the train pulls into the station. The model trains are running at speeds of 20 kilometers per hour and bring the drinks ordered to your table. Success guaranteed!

Personal Train Station
Each table is a terminal station. When the train arrives at your table, the front and rear lights of the train switched off. The train stops and you can take out your drinks. After a few minutes the lamps are switched on again and the train departs. When you have finished your drinks, the train comes back to collect the empty glasses. A little later another train arrives, this time with your bill. When you are just about to leave yet another train arrives. This time it contains lollipops for the children.
No Collisions in the Model Train Restaurant
The busier the restaurant, the busier the tracks and it is a constant coming and going of trains: locs, freight trains, passenger trains and also Thomas the Tank Engine. No collision because of the ATS system.
What to Eat
The menu includes various kinds of pizzas and Czech fare such as cheese schnitzel with mashed potatoes. Vytopna has special children’s menus: 22 cm pizza with ham, chicken nuggets with fries or pasta with turkey and cheese sauce.

Two Vytopna Model Train Restaurant in Prague
Vytopna has two restaurants in Prague, one at Wenceslas Square and other in the Palladium Shopping Centre. The railway system at the Wenceslas Square restaurant is more elaborate and more expensive than in Vytopna in Palladium where train track and also the food are simpler.
Address 1
Model train restaurant Vytopna
Palac Fenix
Wenceslas Square 56
Prague 1
Opening hours
Sunday – Thursday 11.00-00.00, Friday and Saturday until 01.00