Book a Hotel in Prague offers a choice of almost 3000 hotels and hostels in Prague – from very affordable accommodation to luxurious and budget accommodation, in the historic heart of Prague or in quieter neighbourhood away from the centre. The further away from the centre, the lower the price of your room or apartment Tram or metro take you downtown in no time. Prague’s public transport is fast, swift and frequent.
Best Price offers the best price for any kind of accommodation, from guesthouses to privately-owned hotels and from luxurious hotel chains to budget friendly hostels or apartments. The choice is yours! It is very easy to find a hotel to your liking online because search results can be filtered on price, number of stars, location and reviews. offers very affordable accommodation.
If your booking is not to your satisfaction, it is good to know that the call centre is easy to contact because speaks your language.
Cancelation is free does not charge booking or administrative fees. You pay the required amount in Czech crowns at the hotel reception of your choice. Cancelation is free. has special offers at very competitive prices. However, if you book a special offer, your credit card is immediately charged and in this case free cancellation is not possible.