Pet Cemetery in Prague: Garden of our most loyal friends
Seeing the number of graves, with bouquets and toys, it is hard to believe that this not a human cemetery but for pets. Besides dogs that take up most of the plots there are other creatures that have here their last resting place, cats, rabbits and birds. The names on the headstones show the affection that their owners felt for them: Arnicku milujeme tě (we love you). A photo of Brut and his master and the words Briticku, byl jsi naše sluníčko nikdy na tebe nezapomeneme. (Brit, you were our sunshine, we will never forget you)

Animal cemetery as a memorial site
The animal cemetery looks neglected, many graves are overgrown and the paths are barely visible. From 1998, this was the cemetery for loyal pets. Eight years later, in 2006 the graveyard was full and became a memorial site. There are more than 2,000 graves in a cemetery that is just one football field in size. In the middle is a mass grave for laboratory animals and for animals from shelters.

Some graves are well maintained, others completely overgrown. It seems that in the course of time some owners have forgotten their loyal friends. Many headstones display photos of the animal with its master. In the small fenced gardens that make up the graves, there are toys, rubber balls, tennis balls, biscuits, dog collars, food bowls and everything that the animals were attached to during their lives.

Animal cemetery as a forest
The area was originally earmarked as a park where nature had to be preserved. That is why flat gravestones were not allowed. The graves look like small gardens surrounded by fences. However, it was allowed to place memorial plaques which show names, dates and often an inscription. As gravestones were not permitted, every animal lover was allowed to plant a tree on the grave. Trees that have now grown into almost forest giants and give the area the appearance of a dense forest.

Getting there
Address: U Drahaně, Bohnice, Prague 8
Opening hours: 10.00-18.00
Free access
The entrance to the animal cemetery is directly opposite the Institutional Cemetery of the Psychiatric Hospital in Bohnice, a neighborhood north of the center of Prague.
The Bohnice self-guided city walk with walking directions and interesting facts about the Bohnice district and includes a visit to the animal cemetery.