Vrtba Garden: Secret Spot in Mala Strana
Vrtba Garden in the Mala Strana district of Prague is quite hard to find as it is hidden behind a porch that looks like the entrance to a building. The entrance is at 25 Karmelitska Street seems to lead to private apartments in a courtyard. Push the gate open, walk in and climb the stairs on your right. The entrance to Vrtba garden, Vrtbovská zahrada in Czech, is through another gate. The garden is located on a slope which covered with vineyards in the past and is part of Vrtbovsky Palace.

Vrtba Garden, the smallest public garden in Prague
Most public gardens in Prague belong to palaces, often bearing the same name as the garden. These are not royal palaces where kings live but rather stately homes or large villas. Vrtba garden is quite small as it is sandwiched between buildings and Baroque in style: robust stairs, banisters with ornaments, terraces, sculptures, flowerbeds and hedges.

Vrtba garden, terraces and sculptures
The first thing you see when you enter your garden is a sculpture of Atlas carrying the world on his shoulders. The garden rises steeply and is spread over three terraces. The fountain is flanked by a sala terrena with beautiful frescoes on the vaulted ceiling. Opposite is an aviary. On the upper terrace is a pavilion, a gloriette, and from here a beautiful view of St Nicholas Church. On the steps are vases and statues of ancient gods: Apollo with a bow, Diana with a dog, Juno with a peacock, Minerva with a shield and Jupiter with an eagle.

Vrtba garden, renovated and open to everyone
In the eighteenth century, the Vrtbovsky Palace and garden was built for the Chancellor of Prague Castle, Jan Josef of Vrtba. Many others lived here after him. At some point in time, the garden was divided and used by several people and slowly fell into disrepair. During the communist period, the garden was not maintained at all and overgrown with weeds. After the Velvet Revolution in 1989, the garden was renovated and opened to the public in 1998.
Getting there
Vrtba Garden Karmelitska 25 Mala Strana
Open April to October 10am-6pm
(small entrance fee)
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