Vnitroblock Cultural Centre and Shopping Arcade

Vnitroblock is a multifunctional space in a former factory building. It is a creative and cultural centre where you will find a café, a dance studio, a small cinema, an events and theater hall, an outdoor space, a gallery, boutiques with designer fashion and much more. Vnitroblock is located in a courtyard behind apartment buildings and it is slightly difficult to find the entrance as it is not clearly marked. There are two entrances, one at Tuserova and the other at Dělnická. Many locals use it as a quick shortcut.

Vnitroblock slightly difficult to find the entrance

It is easy to overlook both entrances to Vnitroblock. When in Tuserova, you enter through a narrow passage to the main door. You walk through the flower and plant shop to the central hall; an inviting space with exposed brick and steel beams, concrete floors and high ceilings and factory windows. Entering from Dělnická it is easier because the wall next to the entrance gate has an eye-catching mural: two people sitting opposite each other on chairs, they have no heads, but they are connected to each other by a long neck.

The Vnitroblock Café

The open-plan café dominates the ground floor. No extensive menu, but coffee and cakes, snacks and light meals and of course beer. The furniture is an assortment of retro tables, chairs and sofas spread across the hall with plenty of space between them if you are looking for a quiet workplace. In summer, head to Vnitroblock’s outdoor area with picnic tables, sometimes food trucks, shops and more. This creative centre is definitely worth seeing.

The Holešovice District

Holešovice is located north of the city centre on the left bank of the Vltava River. Traditionally an industrial district with a busy freight port, factories, breweries and also a slaughterhouse now transformed into a cultural centre. Nowadays, the majority of the industrial buildings in Holešovice no longer serves their original purpose; they have been renovated, adapted to modern requirements and have found a second life as apartment buildings, office complexes, studios for young artists, designers and architects, or cultural institutions. Holešovice is now a desirable place to live.

Address: Tusarova 31 or Dělnická 32, Holešovice, Prague
Opening hours: daily 09.00-22.00

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photos:Marianne Crone

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